I'm a software developer from Australia with a passion for solving complex problems and exploring new technologies.
I hold a degree in computer science and am currently working as a web developer, where I primarily use WordPress and PHP. Beyond my job, I'm also proficient in C++, JavaScript/TypeScript and Python.
This site is made with Lume which is a flexible framework that allows me to make easy updates and expansions in the future.
This is a NES emulator I'm currently working on to improve my skills in emulator development. It is written in C++ and uses SDL2 for multimedia. It is still a work-in-progress where I am slowly implementing graphics rendering.
An interest in game console emulators initially led me to create a CHIP-8 interpreter. I first wrote it in C, which was my first experience with low-level programming. Since then, I've rewritten it in Zig, making it more accurate and improving ROM support. Sokol is used for graphics, and miniaudio is used for audio.
This is a web-based project which I created to practice React and TypeScript. I created a simple sudoku frontend featuring multiple difficulties and a timer. Components were made using Mantine. Zustand was used for game state management.